Open Source
- Sankey Sankey diagrams in SwiftUI, powered by D3
- KeychainStorageKit @KeychainStorage property wrapper
- marc Markov chain generator for Python and/or Swift
- redframes Data wrangling library that prioritizes syntax and simplicity
- gazpacho Web scraping that won't make you cry
- gif The matplotlib Animation Extension
- timeseal Time-locked message encryption
- uvu Stylized reddit user profile viewer
- Nexie Track your favorite TV shows and upcoming episodes
- kingbit Turn-based multiplayer game in 100% SwiftUI
- Ponkan Speech-to-Pinyin learning tool
- Oolong Budget tool that helps you take control of your finances
- GRAPHIITE The Best 7 Minute HIIT Workout App
- BreadBuddy Recipe scheduler for baked goods