Grug Brained SwiftUI

#code #swift

A SwiftUI tribute to the timeless wisdom of "The Grug Brained Developer", a guide that shows simplicity is not just a choice but a way of life.


one day grug find swiftui

grug like swiftui

swiftui good. swiftui simple. swiftui flow like river

but some dev stack rock in river, make waterfall of sad

grug think "why fight river with rock???"

"why make simple thing complex???"

grug say "stop fight river. let river flow!"

but some dev not listen

some dev throw rock in river again and again


grug see dev who fight river also use mvvm

grug not big fan. grug know mvvm not always fit swiftui

but if mvvm there, grug stay quiet, for shared goal

until grug see nested view model

grug think "why nest view model like angry babushka doll??!"

grug say "view model not nest. view model hold state for one thing, not many things!"

nest not just throw rock in river but build dam of despair


grug see dev who fight river also use llm for swiftui

grug think "llm fine. good tool, like sharp axe"

but some dev swing axe bad

use llm code, no check if good

like build boat with bad wood

boat float, then sink

grug say "llm not magic"

"tell llm wrong thing, like help uncle jack off the horse"

"llm give handjob to horse instead"

grug say "llm only good if dev know good llm code from bad"

boat sink if not


grug know all swiftui struggles come from one thing: complexity

complexity creep in slow

grow like debris in river

at first seem fine

then river clog

water stop

code become swamp

grug only want swiftui stay like river and not turn to swamp